Please be advised that all material on this blog is protected under copyright laws

December 21, 2010

"And now you say, "Merry Christmas"."

We were forced to do it. We had to brave a major shopping centre, a few days before Christmas to grab some last minute items. The sweat, the throngs of desperation, the madness, the accelerated mental fatigue, the tantrums, the social ineptitude birthing from utter self-centredness in the fight for retail survival... And the crowds would be there too.

Our schedules being our schedules (never dull) it had unfolded that the kids would need to come with me. Three kids, all believers in Santa, one autistic and wheelchair dependant, its never an easy journey Christmas crowds aside.
Amid reminders of, "Best behaviour, guys. Let's stick together. We're in the last few days now. You don't want to blow it and hit the naughty list last minute!" Their protests fell on my ears deafened by the pulsing ebb of impending throngs as the automatic doors drew back, sucking us inward...

Within forty meters of entry, my seven year old daughter cops a pram running into her ankle from the side, with the father pushing the pram hissing at her, "Watch out!".
Shoving wheelchair in his path and halting his progress entirely, I caught his eye, "I believe you meant to say, "I'm sorry. Are you ok?"." The now crippled seven year old sitting on her brother's lap on the wheelchair, we moved onward...

Entering the depths, I lead the troops into the belly of nonsensical purchasing: The market.
More would follow the first pram incident, subjecting us to complaints of "taking up the whole moving walkway with the wheelchair" (how inconvenient of us!), a four year old slapping my nine year old daughter for holding the last pink ball, minor tantrums from my gang when Mum refused to purchase another DSI so "we don't have to share" (where am I going wrong?) and Jack blatantly taking advantage of his disability to barge in, completely jumping the queue waiting, to speak to Santa with the announcement of "Santa, thank goodness! I've needed to talk to you..." and once again, as happens every single year, Santa looked at my kids, looked at me and said, "Are these your kids?" (who the hell else would work this hard, I ask you?!)

Eventually we made it to the four deep crowd, queuing at the butcher. People were yelling across the counter with items of meat and money flowing back and forth in rapid succession. Chatting with the gang (the kids) as we waited our turn, it took me some time to realise the crowd was laterally shoving one another but not progressing, feet were tapping impatiently...
At the counter was a gentle lady, somewhere around the eighty year old mark, leaning heavily on her walking frame and trying to be heard over the counter that towered well above her. She was trying to buy a piece of corned beef for Christmas Day.

Her frail but friendly voice called, "Could you please weigh that for me? Tell me how much it might be..." the piece the butcher held was not much larger than an apple . However upon weighing it was apparently far too expensive.
"Do you have a smaller piece?" The butcher procured a piece barely palm sized. But alas again, with a slow and sad glance in her purse, it was too costly...
"Could you cut it for me please?"...

My Colby, all heart, grabbed desperately at my hand pleading, "Mum, we have to do something! Can we give her some money? Please!"
"How can we do it, Col, without making her uncomfortable?" The four of us huddled, three of us rapidly whispering different theories of how we could help this lovely lady without embarrassing her. Jack however wasn't sharing and instead kept saying, "Give me the money, Mum. Give it to me!", clutching at my hand with his clammy cerebral palsy grip.
The crowd was shuffling, impatient, blatantly rude...To keep Jack settled I handed him the $50 note we were still busily plotting to drop in the lady's bag somehow...
The crowd's muttering started to become decorated with baubles of "Ouch!", "Oh, excuse me." and "Oh, sorry mate." An audible shift that tells me my son is on the move. I looked up to see Jack shoving his wheelchair through the crowd, ramming whoever would thwart his path (something he never does!) bee-lining for this frail little lady.
"Can I help you?" It was our turn at the counter.
"First of all, I'd like..." I began using the distraction to my advantage...

The sweet lady only noticed Jack once he was right beside her.
"Excuse me, " he said to her, and with that Jack smile and a huge amount of effort he raised his quadriplegic affected arm grasping the $50 note," This is yours."
"Oh no, it couldn't be..." she protested.
He interrupted, "No, it is yours. It is. Please take it."
She stared at him, then looked about the now silenced, watching crowd.
"Please. It hurts to hold my arm like this."
She took the $50.
He smiled and cheerily said, "And now you say "Merry Christmas Jack!""
Her voice shaky she said, "Oh yes. Merry Christmas, Jack." To the crowd, "Did someone drop this?" And the crowd all smiling all shook their heads, murmuring utterings of "saw you drop it", "sure its yours".
I sidled over, grabbed the handle of my boy's chair and we quietly made our way through the gathering.
We were moving away when the butcher called over the counter to her,
"Here's your corned beef, ma'am.", handing her a large parcel of corned beef. As she again began to protest he went on, "No charge. Already paid for. Merry Christmas, Love!"

Well clear of the butcher's queue, camouflaged in the moving crowd, we turned to glance back. This lovely lady was softly crying, happy, several people from the once impatient and hostile crowd, smiling and gently comforting her.

We all looked upon the image from a distance and a quiet whisper came up from the wheelchair beside me as he looked on,
"And now you say "Merry Christmas"."

Melissa Hocking 2010

October 24, 2010

Treacherous Tides

Bewildered angst holds steady in the tides of an ocean dawning hatred.
Time’s thought toward it, denied. And yet,
Rise and pitch
Against restraining perimeters drawn in upon her.
Perimeter misfits her very being,
Emotion the foreign downtrod that confounds.
Reverberating threat “There is no release!”
The boundary will not retreat.

How then, oh life,
How does the bombardment engage the constricts?

Foul loathing rises within the collar of lies constricting truth’s escape in a slow suffocation of silence.

A silence that promised truth would hold.
A silence that promised justice in pardon for the mistake made.
A silence that promised to quietly, softly render them powerless.

She heaves within at the horror of bad decision,
Time wasted stains the present tears,
Regret a weeping ink upon her soul, staining evidence of a connection still bound.
The metallic sting of Blood strikes the nostrils as the daggers pierce,
Shredded flesh cascades a shawl down her back,
Shrouding the betrayal of silence.

Too many voices for silence to fall.

The orchestral machinations of a closing,
Sweet metallic nonchalance of latch sealing…
All is in darkness and all is misleading.

How then, oh life,
Put light within the dark?
Put light upon this treacherous ocean!
Amid the course and terror, shards will stream,
Light will mirror and shatter such hatred.
Into the depths within the layers the greatness of ocean depths will claim and diminish,
Wave upon wave closing in, closing down.
The tides will ebb.
The tides are rest.
Melissa Hocking 2010

October 23, 2010

We are created of layer after layer of subtle light (information)
& that light communicates with all other layers of your "reality" -
inwardly, outwardly, multidimensionally, infinitely.
All comes from you first.
You are the conductor orchestrating this creation.
MH 2010

October 17, 2010

A Limited Reality on a Spherical Luminosity

We accept a linear time frame.

As such we are restricted in how much information we can obtain and assimilate in a lifetime. Yet from this limited and restricted source we construct a “reality” and despite it being merely a confined perspective, we convince ourselves under the guise of “belief” that it is “truth” and it is “right”.

All the beauty, all the atrocity, all of our race’s history is built upon this limited equation.

We are infinite.
Our possibilities are genuinely without restraint.

Evidence is mounting as change takes speed and vibration lifts under the reality we call “quantum effect”. Remembering that this too is only a limited perspective.
Well beyond the “equation” each individual remains unique: never being present in this form before and, as evolution must have it, never again repeating this presence. This in itself appears evident of our infinite capacity.

We think time is linear but it is spherical, boundless.

Luminous, ever shifting, ever growing, this is every single individual’s truth.

In the present equation we cannot truly know any other’s reality for we are too preoccupied with “knowing’ our own. But we can choose to accept their infinite luminosity.
Such a choice, owned by each, enables humanity’s history to remain “history”, and the unending possibilities of a new humanity’s consciousness to take life

Melissa Hocking 2010

October 14, 2010

The Hunted Connection IV

Enticed by mystery I was given to grace.
He guides me as lover, souls entraining in synchronistic rhythms, a play into the spirit entwined.

And I go.
Willingly, hungrily I go.


I gaze in awe. He paves the mystery.

MH 2010

September 21, 2010

They looked upon each other and nourished themselves with that.
The fruit that their eyes bore was the sustenance of both.
Nothing but love and their state of mind did they consume.
~Gottfried von Strassburg

September 16, 2010

I think we are challenged as humankind has never been challenged before, to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.
~ Rachel Carson

September 14, 2010

Walking life's path, knowing consciously that you are here with a purpose as important and as unique as you yourself are...
Relish such knowledge.
And let yourself smile at it :)
It is a never-to-be-repeated value in this universe.


September 9, 2010

In a World of Self Healing Part II

Sadly, my world of self healing has been feeling a little... well, the image says it all :)

Then I recalled exactly where I am: in the process letting go of that which no longer serves me :)


This process of healing is nothing short of utterly amazing :) M

September 8, 2010

In a world of Self Healing

It's fairly common knowledge amongst those of you that have met me that the experience of self healing can often evade me :) Whenever I am in session for someone else, be it in the immediate, remote sessions, or using any and all of the incredible list of tools we have (see the Instrumental Body) I am 100% there in that moment, completely engaged and communicative. However self healing, the moment I put myself into session: sleep.
His holiness the Dalai Lama referred to this in his teachings while we were in India, saying that there is "always a lesson in a healing (meditation). For his friend, Melissa Hocking, clearly the lesson is to get more rest!" (thanks for that one)
Yesterday my system fell into an exhausted immune collapse (fair enough really. Its been a huge couple of weeks with far too many hours on too many flights...brilliantly successful and fun but hard on the physical body). Everything that could pack it in is trying to. The worst is my back and neck completely going out and in no small painless way. Huge level of pain!
The mighty man massaged and tried to help. Nadia did some delicious hands on QB on me in the office (to which there were loud exclamations of "OH Mel! Ouch! Oh its your lower back too!" )Helpful :) However it worsened until I was in a frozen, physiological lock-up of immense pain. Lying down was even worse. Its been a hard night...
As I lay in bed, wincing, the mighty man gently said, "I know you can fix this yourself. Go to the chiropractor or whoever tomorrow if it feels right, but I think this is for you..."
6am this morning I entered a new world of self healing, knowing that as bad as this is (and oh, it is bad) it is in my power to change it. Frequency is flowing rich and increasing in flow and amid this communicative torrent, a wealth of information is pouring in. Not surprising to me (I've seen so much) but perhaps surprising to others is that my back is nowhere near better yet. The priorities, the causative aspects of how this came to this point are being targeted.
And successfully so :)
Already I feel great change within my structure and myself.
Its the last bastion of language, the human biology, in communicating what we need for ourselves in our own evolution. If we don't listen, we don't hear it earlier, the body will surely throw an imbalance into the mix just to get our attention.
As always there is lesson in this, so I'll keep you posted... :) M

August 11, 2010

Hunted Connection I

I had quoted Rumi. A line of hope from an elegant poet.
In a flash, he responded with the very next line from the same piece.
There had been no time to google or research....
I quoted the next line.
His immediate response, to complete the poem, was to seal our friendship.

"Those beautiful words we said to one another
are hidden in the secret heart of heaven.
One day, like the rain, they will pour
our love story all over the world" Rumi
Agasp with delight I watched his next message come in:
"I love Rumi! How do you come to know him?"
Indeed he seduced me with medieval poetry...

His appearance and persona upon the profile I was privy to, the only place I had access to view him, did not match the beautiful script, the inspiring conversation, the thrill of communicating with the friend I now had. We clearly both loved chatting to one another.
I had no real idea what he looked like nor what he really did. As he didn't of me.

From the beginning ours was a meeting of presence, a dance in the ecstacy of the extraordinary.
The man I did not believe existed was peacably, presently arriving...

Antique Little Girls

Upon the wall a plaque is bared
A phrase that captures all
Amid the lilting remnant smiles
The scribe is to befall
That deep within, despite the roles
The little girl resides
Regardless of the time that’s passed
Or the lessons that life hides.

She sings and hopes in colours,
She dances light within
She dreams and wishes for those she loves
Her heart a toll to ring

Shared wisdom in her play
The little ones delight
Captured in the dancing giggles
Her heart the dawning light

Wisdom paints her patience
Her energy is young
Enthusiasm lights the world
When she is said to come

New is found in skills of old
Memories in child’s mind
From she so beautiful, so warm, so strong
So gentle and so kind.

A role that will not be repeat
She owns it for the world
The plaque it states it plainly:

Grandmas are antique little girls.

For the beautiful Mel Hunt, Happy Birthday
Melissa Hocking 2010

August 3, 2010

Initiation 333

Kaleidoscope sounds behind the fluttering, closed lids of trust.
Breath shallowing, unmeasured, unnoticed,
Gratefully slipping,
Roguish muscularity jerks consciousness into fore,
Resentment takes mind and holds it in a delusional awareness
A misleading reality.
Colours fade, escaping the grip of an imprisoned dimension.
Struggle, trying,
Struggle, losing...

Draw deep, sweet, succulent breath ...
The colourful, spiralling parade resumes in rest.

From core to peripheral the vibration lifts
A dull ache permeates the flesh renewal from heart streaming.
The flesh reacts,
The mind falls deep, rich,
Downward into beyond.

Cumulus travel, fast tunnel in light,
Sliding through the non-existence of time.
Sweet, spherical arrival, ever moving, without moment.
Emotion, too small, is overwhelmed
As knowledge is strewn against the limitless boundary of recognition.
Biology steps into mechanical relief, drawing information into structure it knows priority.
Spirit flies.
A spiralling ecstasy, aloft upon release,
Savouring the fragrant mead of whole life...
Spirit Flies.

the physical healing, while often “miraculous”, is the very least of what occurs in session
Melissa Hocking 2010 – Quantum BioEnergetics International
In my mind, my descriptive structure, this is what it is to know session under Quantum BioEnergetics for the first time.
While the work we are doing continues to be "cutting edge", the research "phenomenal", while the demand for the knowledge of this is ever increasing, still it is this experience, this moment of recognition when the individual enters self that is what this work is all about. A genuine initiation intot he most important "club" you could ever become member of: You

August 2, 2010

Stark cherry tree branches weep forlorn in the icy chill, battered by hail and torrential rains. Adorning her shape, ripe buds full of promise yet to awaken, kiss each branch tip and from each of them: a single remnant drop of rain, yet to fall. Baubles of hope, their spherical base mirrors the warming light. A reflection of a future.

August 1, 2010

The Dark Self

Spiraling into the shadows,
Awareness a pile about the trodden footprints from which one cannot sift out the clarity of wisdom.
The facade hemmed too high to disguise the pretence any longer:

Too short the reach?
Too far the journey?

History gripping, regardless of truth, striking blows upon raw,
bloodless wounds.
forgotten long by delivery, oozes from the open flesh of injury
Splattering pointless upon the transparent shield
Of the self torturing mind.

Cast amid the hungered jaws of the self involved,
Sacrifice to wants,
Ready price to relinquish
Upon the caged desires of the shallow.

Disloyalty ripples from core to perimeter of the performer.
The mirror cries

The mirror, fragmented, tainted by dishonor,
marred by the withering esteem of those casting response.
Incomplete in reflection, the mirror
The clouded veil drawn by falsity is weighty, resistant…
Lift the veil.

All within screams hollow and
Lift the veil.

Injury strikes blindness, vision impaired of the truth within.
You are abundant within you…

Lift the veil.

Melissa Hocking 2010

June 28, 2010

Grief Evolving

The shiver chill of the air defines Winter upon us. The winter sun too low to penetrate the valley, days spent in shadow. Shallow light, anew, gripping the land with promise ahead assures the darkness is past. Streaking through the tree lines, paling the apparent infertility of skeletal branches, its sweet kiss begins to awaken the buds of renewal.


Raindrops splatter light and irregular upon the glass as thought the chill in the air creates a reluctance to enter this atmosphere for so readily today it could turn to snow. Intermittent and undetermined, their arrival leaves one hungry for commitment, impatient for the uniformity of the solid fall of rain, the banking sweeps pushed by breeze of the gravity driven downpour. Release. Rain.

June 26, 2010

The Hunted Connection - Introduction

So many times I have gone to pen to write a piece about my incredible partner. Poetic, explanatory, argumentative, indulgent... regardless they remain unfinished and incomplete. So many semi drafts & scraps of paper escaping the pages of the present journal (in which all of my pieces tend to birth from) sadly can all be filed under "unfinished" as the journey's pace has too rapidly outrun the piece. Evolving alongside one other, continuing to grow together, these pieces rapidly fell to "outdated" even "obsolete".
Yet for however long this chapter is shared by my mighty man and I, I strongly feel it is a journey to be shared with all...for it is utterly extraordinary.
Making peace with my own expectations of self I have come to accept that in small piece, brief paragraph, even unfinished verse, I will share this with you :)
This series will be known as
"The Hunted Connection"
Each piece merely numbered prior to title so if the romantic in the audience needs to follow the order of the journey, they may :)
To quote Rumi, in the very same verse that graciously introduced my mighty man and I to one another :
"Those beautiful words we said to one another
are hidden in the secret heart of heaven.
One day, like the rain, they will pour
our love story all over the world"
Indeed, this verse is how we met.
Come with us...
Melissa Hocking 2010

Why Do We Wax?

Today in standard process and almost involuntarily, I habitually entered into the encyclopedic and systemic catalogue of hair treatment/removal: trimming, plucking, waxing, shaving, preening, volumising... Such behaviours are considered an "indulgence". And yet to inflict pain upon oneself is considered "ill". Regardless of the contradictory aspects, 'tis a stinging entry to add to the list of "things my mother never told me about being a woman"...sigh...


May 31, 2010


The fluid muscular flex against a powerless manipulation.
They are choking in a senseless oblivion,
The dark pall a granite fist closing in upon a core that is rapidly losing breath.

Position held in action,
Decision kept from democracy,
A people cry victim
“They didn’t tell us! They lied! They lied!”
And in a generous oratorical vomit the people gift all power to the enemy.

Identity cannot heal.
Bloodless and benign is denial.
Self pity a rancid infection and those bearing decision kneel in adoration to the powerful stench of the self proclaimed injured.
Crying, shrieking, weeping, moaning, hollering, praying, sobbing, pleading, begging, hoping…
Do something. Do anything.
Stand up. Flex.
Power’s delusion anxiously dissolves beneath the soft acid onslaught of true strength.
Bring change.
Melissa Hocking 2010

May 28, 2010

Little Moppet's Battle

(A little girl’s battle with leukaemia)

The temple is sweating toxicity,
Blood, Discourage.
The foundation leeches the ache of mistrust.
From another’s word a tiny body disintegrates,
Power is pillaged,
Decisions absconded.

Strength falls in segments,
Petals of innocent trust scattered beneath the weighty footfall of ignorance.
Contorted in spasm, agony in control
the system shrieks coarse tones
Of despair, twisting amid the
Choices structured in humiliation,

Foundation in regret...
She reaches for relief.
A haunted gaze,
The silver sheen of transparent flesh,
The cherry stain of blood departing...

Wisdom discarded in the misconception of uneducated youth.
Shattered breath,
Wasted hearts withering.
The temple whimpers.
One deep breath before ascension
Her eyes open and grasp at the gaze of he who loves most...

Wisdom is lost eternally as one final tear crashes upon the earth.

I love you, Moppet. I thank you.
Melissa Hocking 2009

April 25, 2010

Colby Cuddles Beautiful Girl

For her birthday she wants her own special alarm clock. The reason will be nothing anticipated. Predictable she is not.
The physicality of her expression is a dance unlike any other.
She is drama without knowing what drama is,
for to her it is life.
No conversation is dull nor is it short.
She is built-in entertainment

She is all heart.

Rose bud lips part and a singing voice pervades the atmosphere, slipping into the ear as silk and drawing sweet tear upon your heart...until she recognises someone is listening.
Upon the stage she is inspiring, courageous and rich, well beyond her years.
Others look to her. All look upward.
Entering the stage she looks down,
her eyes shaded as she searches audience beneath the footlights for her mother... at each performance.

She is all heart.

She has embraced from the womb, snuggling, nuzzling, holding and cuddling,
going without falter or fear to the stranger in the room, the space, the airport, that needs attention, needs embracing the most.
She gives. She gives wholly.
She hurts completely.
Intelligent, emotionally articulate, verbally entrancing, seeming much older than her years.
She is beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful from within.

She is all heart.

And it shows.

She is Colby Cuddles Beautiful Girl.
And I am her blessed mother.

Melissa Hocking 2010

Colby Alexandra Hocking is indeed my sweet, incredibly clever and talented daughter. And I am indeed her awestruck and inspired mother. Never a dull moment is spent with Col. Presently 8 years old, she has already been in a number of professional theatre productions (somewhere I would never have imagined us!) in the past two years. As talented, clever and beautiful as she is, she knows no guise or ego with it. She truly is all heart.

April 24, 2010

To make great change one needs to enter the opportunity to make it.
To make greater change, one enters with integrity.
To sustain such change, one holds with compassion.
Melissa Hocking


"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." Winston Churchill

In 1915, on April 25, World War I, a campaign strategy set into place by Winston Churchill sent the allied forces, the ANZACS, into the first major military action fought by the Australian and New Zealand Armed Forces, landing upon the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey.

Information had been leaked, mistakes had been made... the soldiers met fierce resistance, sitting ducks under enfilade fire from the Turkish Army, infantrymen in the water they suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardships. It was a bloody massacre.

Beautiful men that could never hope to have had any idea what was to strike them were lost that day, and in the eight month campaign that followed. They knew a fear, a courage, a love, a hate, that most of us are fortunate enough to never have to know. The cold, the blood, the rats, the smell of death, decomposing bodies metres fromt hem, rounds and shrapnel whizzing past their ears... the earthly thump of a propelled metal round tearing into human flesh.

Today, April 25, 2010, ANZAC Day in Australia, the media, social media networks and many forums are filled with rudimentary "Lest We Forgets". (ANZAC is an acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). A day of rememberance, as many countries have across the globe, I am looking upon these spat out "Lest'"s and wondering just how much is an uneducated, but socially applauded lip service?

Do people really understand ANZAC day anymore? All the "lest we forget" they even know what to remember?

I'm a member of the RSL, (Returned & Servicemen's League) being, of course, ex-military and having seen active service. Having done Officer Training at Royal Military College, Duntroon, in the Australian Army, my work in the military was extreme and I saw...a lot. Probably far too much. Perhaps, in fact one would assume, my perspective may be far different. But it seems quite simple and perhaps, people do know what it is they are being asked to never forget...I sincerely hope we do.

Above all else "Lest we forget ...our GRATITUDE"

For we are free.

Melissa Hocking 2010

April 12, 2010

See Jack...see him truly

An excess mirror was placed by the front door recently, leaning against the wall in a distinct about-to-be-discarded manner (it had earned this status being of some Luna Park genetic line: it reflected a lumpy, ten-kilos-heavier form. No, I haven't suddenly put on that much weight! It was the bloody mirror.).

Racing about the house in my usual frantic manner, phone calls, and questions and work, I overheard Jack quietly chatting to someone...

"And this is how I play Wii Sports Resort Sword this..." I'd hear him expelling breath unevenly for a few moments, "..and like this.." More effort was being spent.

Glancing about the corner, my son had positioned his wheelchair right in front of the defective mirror.

Jack has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He acquired a brain injury as an infant and this is the life sentence he now lives with. Unlike a standard quadriplegic (whatever that is) Jack's entire body, head, neck and face too, is affected. For the most part, Jack fights what is known as "reactive tone": he will make the decision to move, his body will then spasm and fight it, and he then re-makes the decision and uses multiple times more energy to then move that limb. And this battle is undertaken for everything: eating, breathing, swallowing, let alone standing, rolling, etc. 24/7.

A very intelligent boy, my son is trapped inside this non-compliant body for this life.

His sweet voice, quiet and focused, was now holding my attention...

"Jack can do this. Watch now..." and again I would hear his quiet, resolute efforts in action. I darted another look around the corner...

Slowly, deliberately he was moving his arms, fighting more truly than I've ever seen before in his life the fierce spasticity that traumatises his body at the merest suggestion of movement. Watching himself intensely, he was guiding his moves as deliberately as he could, counting each centimetre of success, perusing the process of movement.... then suddenly, no warning, his body would defy him, throwing his musculature into a spasm, contorting his action, defying his will... his face showed the betrayal.

He'd then calm his physiology and take a deep, saddened breath... Stealing another look around the corner, Jack's head had dropped and he gazed soulfully at his feet for a few moments.
Another deep intake of air was heard as he lifted his head, his eyes meeting his own in the mirror again...

"And this is how I play Skydiving on the Wii..." never taking his eyes from his actions, he moved as though timed in a Chi rhythm, "Like this...and I go this way," changing direction, his body flew into spasm again, shredding his form, robbing his journey...

His process of recovery undertaken again, his disappointment in his retaliating system was devastating. No tears. No complaints. No cries of "It's not fair!", even though it isn't.

In the intake of air as he lifted his head again were barely audible words, "Try again Jack."

And again he met his eyes in the reflection.

"This is Skydiving..."

As I type, unable to leave, mesmerised by this unfolding, my mother heart aching, aching,

Jack continues his reflective journey before the mirror...he's been going for 47 minutes.

My beautiful, patient, resolute son is the most courageous of people.

Melissa Hocking 2010

April 11, 2010

Season Closing

An Autumn frost is descending,
A damp sting falling like a gossamer veil,
awakening warm flesh made lazy by Summer's abundance.
Hues shifting will.
Branches dawning stark.
The earth creaks,
moaning as she labours under seasonal weight and prepares for rest.

Greys are creeping through the weary basking light
Edging into a new darkness
Mistakenly feared.
Womb of creation is ripening amid the dark,
Blood rolls slowly, warm and nutritious,
Feeding dark,
Shadowing the expectant light,
borne upon the expectation of a single structures life.

Darkness cannot exist without
Light cannot exist without an evolutionary

Lifting gaze upward,
piercing view amid the stark branches of the winter tree,
atmosphere calls season.
Life calls to shift.
A linear time band wraps the lunar cry
And so enters

The earth moans.
We shiver and pale.
Abandoning the heavy ripeness of past
we cascade into the mistaken shell shrouded by darkness
that is the
Cauldron of Creation.

Melissa Hocking 2010

April 1, 2010

Escapism: the insidious, chemical weapon going on within the individual entities of a race in denial of its own atrocities. By definiton: humanity's dis-ease
In the silence of our hearts we know,
we are proving ourselves worthy of the miracle of human life. M :)
I am living the biology of transcendence: the spiralling, vibratory matrix is accelerating and communicating a structure reunited and reactivated by the frenetic kaleidescope of Quantum BioEnergetics.

March 19, 2010

An outstretched hand, long left without hope, is birthing a rescue through the breaching surface. The light strikes diamond, splintering a resonant choreography that rewards such courage, and light dances through the soul... Love’s wisdom is buoyant.
Escapism: the insidious, chemical weapon going on within the individual entities of a race in denial of its own atrocities. By definiton: humanity's dis-ease :)

March 12, 2010

The Billy Cart Derby

Dusk was fast creeping through the dampening atmosphere as we pulled into the car park at my children's new primary school. We've been attending only a matter of weeks and have had all of the "new kid" issues that go with a new school and then some...

The damp caressed the flesh as we excitedly leaped out of the car, daughters Colby, 8, Teagan, 6, and me lifting Jack, 10, into his wheelchair, helmets in hand, ready for the battle ahead:
The Annual Billy Cart Derby.

(NB: For those of you unaware, my son Jack wagers a daily battle against his non-compliant body. Disabled by a brain trauma injury he is formally diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and traits of autism spectrum disorder. He and his sisters all go to this new school...and what an awesome institution it is.)

Real billy carts! These were the good old death traps from the days of old, built with old pram wheels, planks of discarded timber, ropes and ocky straps, chains and bad paint jobs. The haphazard vehicular concoction where you plunge down an incline unfettered by petty, silly things like brakes, accelerating into the hay bales unable to avoid the impending and inevitable injuries. Remember those?
And every construct you could imagine was proudly paraded before the entire anticipatory school community prior to the big race... Balloons cleverly engulfing the vehicle for "added buffering upon crash". Extra tinsel and bling as the girls were sure that would add to the experience. Some sparse and ready for impending destruction right up to a fully scaled VW combi billy cart (scoff) and every eclectic mix in between.

Families could construct their own billy carts and compete in the derby. Luckily, or perhaps conveniently, I have a kid on wheels :) Inspired by the recent winter Olympics and the madness of the luge/bobsled teams the kids and I had strategically designed a way of throwing ourselves all over Jack and his wheelchair so we could take the slope and ride the challenge together!

The construct began with the base of Jack's sports chair. It was ingenious design, balancing the weight with a calculated slight lean to Teagan's position by the rear (me). Rear position (mine) was with my feet on the mono-wheels (the two little wheels on the rear of the wheelchair to stop it go over backwards when we pull a mono) and gripping fiercely the handles. Jack was driving behind the cardboard, formula one designed, aerodynamic front wing at his feet (an illegal add-on). The girls on either side of the chair, elbow and knee guards on, helmets semi-hiding their humiliated faces, their chin-straps muffling their embarrassed "Mum!"s. Oh yes... Team Hocking had arrived.

The track itself was legendary: on the back hill of the school, it was steep and grassy, the hay bales placed either side of the track and for added adventure, right in the turn that was major crash zone the track was scattered with the sea-mine, indestructible, spiky balls of the chestnut tree (if you've ever sat on one of those...well, let me tell you from experience, you wouldn't do it twice). A turn at the bottom of the slope was the inevitable end for all bar two of the teams. And to add to it, the Police were attending (yep, real ones) with their speed guns, clocking our pace as we torn strips from the earth.
(Seriously, how many schools would do this?! Yes, we all signed ridiculous waivers :))

Reconnaissance: Jack and I took position amid the cheering audience. Teagan went to the bottom of the track looking like a marshall. Colby was checking things out at the start line. Jack and I were positioned right at crash zone where we saw kids stacking at spectacular speeds. A little girl ended up with 15 stitches amongst other minor injuries here and there. My son's contagious laughter guiding the crowd... laughter and cheering, family and community...

Our turn: We gathered at the start line. My eldest daughter was concerned she may not look good (Mum once again explaining "It's not about what you look like, it's about who you are!"). A hushed caution had taken the crowd. The commentator is introducing us: it became clear by his intro they were expecting a slow and precious walk down so the "disabled kid" could have a go.

They were so wrong. My son, the kid with no hope of physically saving himself, loves a good crash more than most normal humans. 

We kicked off!

Kids hanging on, we had agreed we would all howl like the bobsledders and they did it proud. Hollering preemptive crash I powered behind the chair, thighs pumping, feet pounding the earth until I leapt upon the mono-wheels and took control! In the corner of my eye I could see the crowd agape in horror that we would do this! But, oh, the beam upon my boy's face, the encouragement my girls were yelling to one another...

The crowd rapidly warmed as we journeyed on and let themselves feel the courage and utter joy of my boy just being a boy :)
We had hit 47km/h according to the Police speed gun when Colby let go and tried to glamourously flick her hair, unglamorously came asunder and skewed off, a-spin into the right hand, hay barricade. 

The cart's weight was compromised.
The dreaded corner was upon us...
Teagan and I clung for dear life, Jack raised his arms, "woohooing", in welcome of the inevitable... 

Heeling to the right, Teagan and I with arms like rubber bands, our bodies denying the acceleration, the chair (billy cart) leapt from the earth and took air. Regaining land on the right, single, front wheel, we spewed and sprawled in a skidding, scattered, tangled mess across the track, sliding a gravelly glide in a multi-level heap to a thudding stop against the hay bails.


We lay in a heap, not game to move for injury discovery. The horror struck crowd were holding their breath... all that could be heard was one legendary boy's hysterical laughter,

"Ha ha ha!!! Great crash, Mum! That was awesome! We did it, Mum! Let's do it again! What a great crash!"

Quick Epilogue: No injuries aquired. Much laughter from all parties. Rest assured I am no fool: All of us were safe. Jack was strapped in and braced as usual by Mum. And when we landed, by the time my body took the blow of the hay barricade, I had wrapped beneath the wheelchair and my son's helmeted head was upon my chest, vibrating with giggles.
As has always happened over the past decade, I have lightning reflexes: if my son is falling I will take the fall for him and he will land upon me. In every way :)

March 8, 2010

I, too, have been to India

Before a team of specialists
An artist paints her face to feed expectation of a conditioned audience.
The visual is pleasing,
Her curls, her features, her eyes, her eyes...
We will highlight, lift, gloss
Her eyes will pop.
Precision in the layering,
Confidence in the strike of tool,
The artist is meticulous and
The canvas is exquisite.
All step back, admiring as only their own vanity could contain...
Such beauty. Such beauty.

Escaping the outer corner of the left eye
A single tear
Not falling, nor coursing, nor rolling...
This tear disperses a flat cloud
Across the luminous expectant angle
Of cheek.
A weeping flush
Its filth housed within its clandestine travel,
An insidious memory of ongoing

The rose of India
The body of flesh and filth,
Heart and karma,
Her rose placed infection in the feminine eye.
She placed grief and isolation in the rose of this canvas.

Humanity, stark within the soft petal curvature of the Indian heart,
A rusted populous,
Absolute in presence,
True to experience,
Unencumbered by perspective...

This rose owns this canvas.
This tear owns India.

A dire humanity is housed within the weeping dew of this dispersion,

Dark, aged eyes project unfettered gratitude for the toe tag that will carve from him his saleable organs upon his immediate death. Casting off the wealth of gratitude indifferently ,an entrepreneur awaits his income.
A mirror to the artist’s frustration as she patches the incessant weep...

Wailing of a newborn girl engulfed and silenced by the Ganges as she plummets to the watery chill of unwanted.
A new wave of infection bleeds across the canvas cheek.

Blood runs between the fingers of the healer, one placenta, two cords, two souls that never knew atrocity would not welcome them.
The canvas could be ruined by this...the artist tries to recover with a medium waterproof.

This same canvas brushes the flies from the babas’ gaping, retching mouth...blood trails his path to his dying place.

And humanity steps over him,
On their way.

Humanity steps over us,
On their way.

Humanity ignores its atrocity,
On their way.

To know Human
An infection claimed the feminine eye
Dispersing so gently a raw wisdom
To pass on.

The canvas is teacher.
Humanity her pupil.
She steps beneath the lights, waves to some pupil, smiles at her host...
A single tear escapes....

Melissa Hocking 2010


A wicked verbal spin
Repetitive in demand of answer desired.
Tone rising, repulsive
With each repetition
For the answer is not forthcoming...

The opponent refusing to engage she becomes the mirror,
His venom reflecting back upon himself.

Intensity accelerating with each reflective bounce,

The frustration explodes
Dripping down the blood stained bars of
An adolescent cage.

The futility dispersed
The potency diminishes and desperation takes grip.


His eyes drop to earth,
Hands cradling the senseless, tangled mind.
Struggling for clarity escaping still, confusion...
In pause, her extrinsic gaze reaching into the prison
she draws boundary as gently as strength allows
“I do not want you back”

Frantic, he lunges upon his ego,
Hollering retaliation,
Resonating disconnected communication
He storms an immaturity that can only venture to regret.
A door slams.
Disappointment weighs the generous heart
Scarred by the remnant acid tear.
The reflection stills,
Draws fresh, clear breath and

She departs.

Melissa Hocking 2009

March 4, 2010

The Mirror

This isn't mine, but I love it so :)
Every now and then I'll catch myself complaining, perhaps even whinging, and realising the very things that have irritated me from another are my own to visit first. A long time ago a friend said to me, "True mastery is to look at yourself first..."

A Mirror

My friend for you,
A mirror,
You are for me,
Hug, I will hug you,
You hug me

A mirror for you,
My friend,
You are for me,
Respect, I will respect you,
You will respect me.

A mirror for you,
My friend,
You are for me,
Accept, I will accept you,
Accept me.

A mirror for you,
A mirror,
You are for me.

March 3, 2010

Self Portrait - The Lacing

She cannot see her beauty.
Remnant structure disables a vision here,
as resonance accelerates further,
Take me Home. Take me Home.

What deluded us, re-wrote a contract so impossible, a brutality of self, a destruction in soul...

She walks seeing so much, too much, seeing minds and thoughts and tactics,
Too much, too much...
She sees the whole. And they do not.
Nobody sees as she sees, and nobody sees her...
Her magnificence despite the complexity
Forgotten love for a five year old
Everything a man could want and more than any man have

A presence so rich, such intoxication,
Her departure creates an opiate agony of withdrawal apparent that it is punishable upon her
She walks alone

Dancing amid light, instrumental upon the strings of life,
Enamoured by compassion,
Her weaponry is truth.
She rides an all-present stallion of bliss in her work
They grasp, they clutch, they need, they cry,
Her embrace is full,

Her children clutched in her heart, wrapped to her stride, alighting in her laughter, the shine in the shards of her eyes,
Her family like arrowhead unstructured, present, protected
She is scout
She is statistic
She steps forward her vision’s lens is them...
She walks alone

Sore wasted heart, withered from ongoing,
unending generosity of sharing, holding, comforting, soothing, embracing, uplifting,
giving, giving, giving...
Greyed and cast upon the earth,
shrivelled and fatigued,
a pulse as strong as the resolute warrior will allow in gentility,
the damage is present...
The wasted heart refuses reception
She walks alone

Opacity guarding the withered drum is deteriorating,
Fragmented, frenetic,
Reception is apparent, beauty visible from core
She walks...
as fingers are lacing into hers

Melissa Hocking February 2010

Longing for You – An Unspoken Invitation

Longing for you

Luxurious and indulgent, deliciously intimate, courageously wise, warm and sure and steady...
Without guise or games, without fear or manipulations...

Longing for you
Rendering me a traveller within, seeking that which I would ask of another so that I do not deflect you with utter ineptitude.

Longing for you
Hoping. Praying. Wishing. Affirming. Asking. Believing . And in doing so I have kept you from me. Pushing you into non-existence. Denying the greater law of your presence, keeping you from me. That which I’ve longed for...

Longing for you
Seeking not another soul, for you are already the deepest recesses, the fragmented splinters of this withered heart. This heart’s filigree scars curl in delight at the expression of the soul you are

Longing for you
Isolated in our connection, two felines curled about one another, observant and merged before the smouldering fireplace,
Stepping out of life and into presence, fingers laced, souls ecstatically, blissfully entwined...

In absolution.


For you.

Copyright Melissa Hocking 2010

Unrequited Violation

Warning: This piece does house offensive language

Intellectual flutterings dance between two newfound friends.
Delight that glimpse is sighted and captured of a mind seeming exciting,
A man presenting beautiful,
Engaged, the tango ensues,
The sweetness devouring she that would taste...
He does not recognise strength.
He falters to find challenge in meeting, in match...
She staggers, reassessing, withdraws...
“Fear has conquered you today, girl.
Where does that leave you now and in the future...”
His jaw line harsh, sharp, it’s aggression plain in its thrust,
Manipulation his sword...
He seeks to do harm...
His power is flimsy in the face of intelligent femme.
He falls to what he feels is the only weapon left in his ego-bound cache that will overpower...
“You’re gonna taste my cock, girl. Can you taste it? Now. Taste it...”
Abusive, explosive in tantrum
The disobeyed plan ruptures in foul indiscretion ,
Of obscene descriptive.
“I will tear you to pieces as I enter you...”
The abhorrence overwhelming
“You will scream as I thrust harder...
You like pain, don’t you, girl?
Don’t you?!
Don’t you, girl?!!”
The demand enveloping the bloodlust violence ,
Peeling away amid his verbal parry and the premeditated violation is exposed
“I’m going to fuck your brains out, girl, until you are screaming...then I’ll deliver you again...”
He shouts mechanics not movement.
Shrieks sex not sensuality.
Expels violence.

Seeking to overpower he chooses assault.
Her self is her claymore.
He pulls his weapon.
She depresses the trigger.

The violation falls flaccid

Melissa Hocking 2010

Truth's Cost (A Curious Calvin Klein Dialogue)

What is that you’re wearing?

That’s Truth, my friend

You’re wearing Truth?

Yes. I got it on sale.

Really ? And what is the going price for Truth?


$30 only?! How it is Truth costs so little? Was it a sample” of truth? A tester? Perhaps others had tried it out...

No, no. It hadn’t been touched upon...perhaps it was because it had no packaging: it was there on its own...the last...people were just ignoring it...

I find it better without the packaging.

Yes, Truth with packaging just isn’t Truth.

Actually I believe Truth in its various packaging gets re-labelled: “Reality”

Oh? I had heard it was “Perspective”

Well , yes, “Reality” is “Perspective”, the eau de toilette of Truth. A diluted version of Truth distinguished only by the packaging. A synthetic impression that could never substantiate replacement.

I think I’ll invest $30 in Truth myself. An opportunity not to be missed: Truth for $30

If you’ll wear Truth, make haste, for there is only one Truth per person...and I am hearing rumor that Truth has been discontinued.
Apparently replaced by “Euphoria”.
When you find your Truth, remember, it is devoid of packaging and as such,

there are no guarantees... ;)

Melissa Hocking 2010