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May 31, 2010


The fluid muscular flex against a powerless manipulation.
They are choking in a senseless oblivion,
The dark pall a granite fist closing in upon a core that is rapidly losing breath.

Position held in action,
Decision kept from democracy,
A people cry victim
“They didn’t tell us! They lied! They lied!”
And in a generous oratorical vomit the people gift all power to the enemy.

Identity cannot heal.
Bloodless and benign is denial.
Self pity a rancid infection and those bearing decision kneel in adoration to the powerful stench of the self proclaimed injured.
Crying, shrieking, weeping, moaning, hollering, praying, sobbing, pleading, begging, hoping…
Do something. Do anything.
Stand up. Flex.
Power’s delusion anxiously dissolves beneath the soft acid onslaught of true strength.
Bring change.
Melissa Hocking 2010

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