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April 11, 2010

Season Closing

An Autumn frost is descending,
A damp sting falling like a gossamer veil,
awakening warm flesh made lazy by Summer's abundance.
Hues shifting will.
Branches dawning stark.
The earth creaks,
moaning as she labours under seasonal weight and prepares for rest.

Greys are creeping through the weary basking light
Edging into a new darkness
Mistakenly feared.
Womb of creation is ripening amid the dark,
Blood rolls slowly, warm and nutritious,
Feeding dark,
Shadowing the expectant light,
borne upon the expectation of a single structures life.

Darkness cannot exist without
Light cannot exist without an evolutionary

Lifting gaze upward,
piercing view amid the stark branches of the winter tree,
atmosphere calls season.
Life calls to shift.
A linear time band wraps the lunar cry
And so enters

The earth moans.
We shiver and pale.
Abandoning the heavy ripeness of past
we cascade into the mistaken shell shrouded by darkness
that is the
Cauldron of Creation.

Melissa Hocking 2010

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