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August 3, 2010

Initiation 333

Kaleidoscope sounds behind the fluttering, closed lids of trust.
Breath shallowing, unmeasured, unnoticed,
Gratefully slipping,
Roguish muscularity jerks consciousness into fore,
Resentment takes mind and holds it in a delusional awareness
A misleading reality.
Colours fade, escaping the grip of an imprisoned dimension.
Struggle, trying,
Struggle, losing...

Draw deep, sweet, succulent breath ...
The colourful, spiralling parade resumes in rest.

From core to peripheral the vibration lifts
A dull ache permeates the flesh renewal from heart streaming.
The flesh reacts,
The mind falls deep, rich,
Downward into beyond.

Cumulus travel, fast tunnel in light,
Sliding through the non-existence of time.
Sweet, spherical arrival, ever moving, without moment.
Emotion, too small, is overwhelmed
As knowledge is strewn against the limitless boundary of recognition.
Biology steps into mechanical relief, drawing information into structure it knows priority.
Spirit flies.
A spiralling ecstasy, aloft upon release,
Savouring the fragrant mead of whole life...
Spirit Flies.

the physical healing, while often “miraculous”, is the very least of what occurs in session
Melissa Hocking 2010 – Quantum BioEnergetics International
In my mind, my descriptive structure, this is what it is to know session under Quantum BioEnergetics for the first time.
While the work we are doing continues to be "cutting edge", the research "phenomenal", while the demand for the knowledge of this is ever increasing, still it is this experience, this moment of recognition when the individual enters self that is what this work is all about. A genuine initiation intot he most important "club" you could ever become member of: You

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