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March 25, 2012


Every day, every single day, I help people.
I help them to heal themselves as never before.
I offer them a never-to-be-repeated moment in time, within an environment of balance in which to discover sanctuary in self.
And no, not because I'm extraordinarily gifted or "better" than anyone else.
Not because my gift in vibratory medicine is unprecedented and profound.
Not because I'm particularly "special".
Simply because they come to me,
uniquely me,
is their moment in healing uniquely their own.
My own heart knows an unfathomable gratitude that they choose to come to me as their healing conduit.

My true gift in healing is that I choose to
I live this gift in healing. It is not my "work" it is who I am. And so I
I do it believing people will come through gratitude to wisdom. To hold true in themselves that life is not about "give and take".

Its just about giving.


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