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March 28, 2012

Too busy to "bless you"?

Running late, running fast, needed to grab a few groceries en route of my hastened journey...

Standing in line at the butchers/fish monger, I again watch the ladies behind the counter. I go out of my way to go to this butcher as the people that work there are so lovely. These ladies are such generous souls. Hard working, nothing special to look at, but warm and giving no matter how busy they are, how tired they seem...
The lady bedside me was ordering a portion of marinara mix,
"Does it have any salmon in it?"
"Not today it seems." the warm lady replied as she served.
The woman's face fell a little, then suddenly she went into a momentary facial contortion resulting in an enormous sneeze!
I smiled as I reached in my bag for a tissue,
"Bless you!"
She stared at me, astonished for a moment, then was taken by another sneeze.
I laughed, "I should have waited for the last one. Bless you again."

Her face then contorted into abrupt and brutal tears. As I reached for the entire package of tissues, the crowd about us silenced, she stuttered between gasping sobs,
"That's the... nicest... thing anyone... has said for...long time..."

I was running late, running fast, had no time to I took her arm and gently steered her to a cafe nearby, sitting her down. We ordered coffee and as we did, two of the ladies that had just been serving joined us. They had asked to take their break early in order to join us. More coffee was ordered, and another woman from the crowd asked if she might take a seat.

As we chatted, laughing, her tears drying upon her tired cheeks, a young guy delivered two bags to us both: our orders from the butcher. He said to her,
"We put lots of salmon in your marinara mix, ma'am."
New tears fell across her smiling face.

I explained to all that I was running late, people were waiting. Saying my goodbyes, I handed the waitress enough money to cover all of their coffees. Then off I ran, my departing ears the warm generous laughter of a table of strangers.

No matter how fast you're running, its never too urgent for a "bless you".


March 27, 2012

How does one describe the diversity...?

A few weeks ago I taught a course in facilitating healing through Quantum BioEnergetics International 
( )
Sadly, a few weren't up to being professionally accredited just yet (as happens in real courses).

The reaction of one man's disappointment upon receipt of this news was several very long, foul, personally attacking emails to me specifically, including several curses upon my husband, all ending in "we've spent many lives together and we'll be together again" threads...

Just got news that a beautiful lady also attending, who had a profound session as I was demonstrating on her, after years of trying, fell pregnant only days later. In her words, "I'm positive this baby has finally come along as a result of the healing I received. Meeting Melissa has had a tremendous impact on me. Particularly seeing the deep integrity that drives her..."

How does one describe the diversity of the incredible people I'm privileged to meet, teach and serve? 

ps. I LOVE doing what I'm here to do :) MHH

March 25, 2012


Every day, every single day, I help people.
I help them to heal themselves as never before.
I offer them a never-to-be-repeated moment in time, within an environment of balance in which to discover sanctuary in self.
And no, not because I'm extraordinarily gifted or "better" than anyone else.
Not because my gift in vibratory medicine is unprecedented and profound.
Not because I'm particularly "special".
Simply because they come to me,
uniquely me,
is their moment in healing uniquely their own.
My own heart knows an unfathomable gratitude that they choose to come to me as their healing conduit.

My true gift in healing is that I choose to
I live this gift in healing. It is not my "work" it is who I am. And so I
I do it believing people will come through gratitude to wisdom. To hold true in themselves that life is not about "give and take".

Its just about giving.


Creating your life

March 21, 2012


"You will not attract into your life what you "want",
                                                 You will attract into your life who you are."
Create :)

MHH 2012