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April 4, 2017

Travelling Roads

I find myself travelling unfamiliar roads these past days.
Without fear.
Without caution.

Winding roads,
Darkened by the forest grappling at the very edges of that which is paved.
Closed by light denied,
Canopy shrouding,
Mists sculpting the beams, piercing swords that triumph through the tangled web.
Without fear.
Without caution.

Lonely roads,
Bereft of consoling markers,
of tell-tale sights.
Drawn by the beam before the engine.
Intoxicatingly it draws, inviting the soul into its light.
Anchoring source from within.
Without fear.
Without caution.

I find myself travelling unfamiliar roads these past days.
With love.

MHH 2017

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