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October 22, 2011

"Disappeared" in healing sabbaticals

"Not all those that wander are lost." Tolkien

One day I'm going to disappear to a shack on a remote beach somewhere warm, sleeping to the rolling waves. I'll become a check-out chick called "Rachel": going to work doing the shift, going home to my reclusive shack. People will come through my check out and not know why they feel a little better, why they smile a little broader, why their heart is eased a little more...

One day I'm going to disappear and become a stable hand called "Toby" at a stud in the hills somewhere. Awake well before dawn, drinking the crisp shifting air, assisting the preparation for the elite and most magnificent horses. They won't know why the horses I tend are a little more settled, a little stronger, how the horses' injuries disappear "overnight"...

One day I'm going to disappear deep into the jungle, pushing deeper through the thick, dark, untouched foliage until I reach a people of no common language. They will baptize a name unheard of there if I prove worthy. They will not know why they feel a little better, a little stronger, why the jungle holds her boundary, embraces her people tighter and flourishes a little richer...

One day I'm going to disappear in the crowd. I'll be one more anonymous human, walking the planet in purpose no greater or lesser than any other. 
Not higher nor lower than any other. 
One more essential human in the mix with a difference only discernible by those with the same affliction...
the eyes are open.

2011 ;) MHH

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