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September 21, 2010

They looked upon each other and nourished themselves with that.
The fruit that their eyes bore was the sustenance of both.
Nothing but love and their state of mind did they consume.
~Gottfried von Strassburg

September 16, 2010

I think we are challenged as humankind has never been challenged before, to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.
~ Rachel Carson

September 14, 2010

Walking life's path, knowing consciously that you are here with a purpose as important and as unique as you yourself are...
Relish such knowledge.
And let yourself smile at it :)
It is a never-to-be-repeated value in this universe.


September 9, 2010

In a World of Self Healing Part II

Sadly, my world of self healing has been feeling a little... well, the image says it all :)

Then I recalled exactly where I am: in the process letting go of that which no longer serves me :)


This process of healing is nothing short of utterly amazing :) M

September 8, 2010

In a world of Self Healing

It's fairly common knowledge amongst those of you that have met me that the experience of self healing can often evade me :) Whenever I am in session for someone else, be it in the immediate, remote sessions, or using any and all of the incredible list of tools we have (see the Instrumental Body) I am 100% there in that moment, completely engaged and communicative. However self healing, the moment I put myself into session: sleep.
His holiness the Dalai Lama referred to this in his teachings while we were in India, saying that there is "always a lesson in a healing (meditation). For his friend, Melissa Hocking, clearly the lesson is to get more rest!" (thanks for that one)
Yesterday my system fell into an exhausted immune collapse (fair enough really. Its been a huge couple of weeks with far too many hours on too many flights...brilliantly successful and fun but hard on the physical body). Everything that could pack it in is trying to. The worst is my back and neck completely going out and in no small painless way. Huge level of pain!
The mighty man massaged and tried to help. Nadia did some delicious hands on QB on me in the office (to which there were loud exclamations of "OH Mel! Ouch! Oh its your lower back too!" )Helpful :) However it worsened until I was in a frozen, physiological lock-up of immense pain. Lying down was even worse. Its been a hard night...
As I lay in bed, wincing, the mighty man gently said, "I know you can fix this yourself. Go to the chiropractor or whoever tomorrow if it feels right, but I think this is for you..."
6am this morning I entered a new world of self healing, knowing that as bad as this is (and oh, it is bad) it is in my power to change it. Frequency is flowing rich and increasing in flow and amid this communicative torrent, a wealth of information is pouring in. Not surprising to me (I've seen so much) but perhaps surprising to others is that my back is nowhere near better yet. The priorities, the causative aspects of how this came to this point are being targeted.
And successfully so :)
Already I feel great change within my structure and myself.
Its the last bastion of language, the human biology, in communicating what we need for ourselves in our own evolution. If we don't listen, we don't hear it earlier, the body will surely throw an imbalance into the mix just to get our attention.
As always there is lesson in this, so I'll keep you posted... :) M