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January 3, 2024

The Unhealthful Inflation Invasion

The Apple News app just announced its increasing its subscriber price by 34% 

from $14.99pm to $19.99pm AUD. 

Aaaand... "CANCEL" on that subscription. 

I could go into a rant about how the heck they justify such a mighty bump up on an established app but, hey, we have so much more to rant about these days. Just a click on "cancel" was all that was needed. 

Oh Inflation/Cost of Living, you're a testy beast right now. Forcing my hand in reassessing my spending priorities left, right and empty coin purse. 

You're pushing the priorities, that what it is!

but hang on ...maybe its good thing.

Times like these, as trying and scary as they are, can be wealthy in resetting us and helping us re-identify true priority. In what truly matters.

Walk with me into the QBIH Clinic space...

When a client comes into the clinic to see me for treatment, the first note I need is the body's priority. 

As we chat and they fill me in on their challenging health expeditions, and what they perceive as their first priority in healing,  I'll often be running vibrational communication over their body to "see" what the body's wisdom is telling me is priority. 

(a reminder:  QBI it's a "hands off process'. I said "run" not "rub". And usually a couple of feet away from the physical form :) Phew! Glad I pulled us out that gutter!

Consciously, and through social and psychological conditioning, we often believe the symptoms presenting are the priority. Whatever may be causing pain, or blockage, dysfunction or dismay. 


The body, without fail, will show me the foundation of the disease: the cause. 

the Priority.

The priority needing facilitation to reclaim balance and health.

What's that old saying? Even the great Steve Jobs, with all his genius, insight and drive, delivered it in his powerful parting message,

" You have nothing if you don't have your health."

During Lockdowns (thank you viruses) I began a heavily discounted preventive medicine program, running regularly scheduled remote QBI healing sessions for people all over the planet, (which included, I may add, the QBIH Viral Protocol that we have such incredible success with against viruses. )

Recently, only months ago, I was finally bullied into shutting those down. 

Then today, Apple News showed me the money (that they were grabbing at, but I wanted to use that phrase) liberating me from their app and my wallet from that pointless expense.

In these tight times my priorities have to go to what matters most. For all of us. 

" You have nothing if you don't have your health."

Your health is not a "luxury item". 

So I've also liberated myself from the bullies ( I let them go nicely, I assure you) and am 

reigniting the

QBIH Preventative Healthcare sessions,

FOR YOU  to heal, to maintain and sustain your health.

Still heavily discounted  (only $57 per calendar month!). Still incredible effective. (a basic remote treatment usually starts $147!)

 *a small admin fee in the first instalment is added so it looks more expensive than it is. Just letting you know ;)

And I facilitate these sessions, once every lunar month (13 sessions per year) , MYSELF.

In a system where profit has overtaken care, QBI Healing is yours. 

You own this immense gift in healing. 

In which there are no failing healthcare systems, no ever-increasing additional gaps to pay, nor failing ambulance structures, nor lack of beds or thorough health care. :( 

As to Apple News: We thank you ;) You reminded us what truly is priority. 

( The artist formally known as Twitter ( X) is far more unrestricted and genuinely informative anyway.)