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December 5, 2016

It wasn't a "scream" as such...

"Four times! What a dud cat..." 
"You screamed, Mum." The smirk in my daughters voice.
"I did not. I don't do "scream", Teags..."
Snickering, "You screamed."
"It moved! Who wouldn't be distressed?!"
'It was just a rat.."
"Just? Just a rat?!"
Teagan, laughing "Whats wrong with rats?"
It came out in a hasty, malformed but meaningful, single word, collaborative of: "Bites, rabies, foaming-at-mouth, disease-ridden, bites, filth, wealth-of-bacteria," and a few more blurry additions.
Earlier I had hammered through the house at top speed, yelling for the cat, "Mooch! Mooches Mooch! Kids, where's the Mooch?!!"
Then I sprinted back through the house with cat in arms, collecting the kids in my wake like a high speed pied piper...

There it was.
I stood in the doorway pointing out the rat to Mooch, who, not at all interested, was instead using all cat devices to draw blood from my forearms for disturbing his sleep.

Failing his interest or even acknowledgement I then threw him, like dropping a feline bomb, from the doorway into the room near the rat.
Landing in a four-footed soft thud he turned, not even seeing it, Mooch cast a filthy look of disdain at me then tried to sashay out. So I picked him up again...

And tossed.

Four times! Four times I threw the bomb/cat at the rat, Mooch failing to deploy each time.

Finally I threw a sock at the rat, which moved, (hence my "small cry" (not scream) of distress, a little running on the spot holding the babies as high up in the air as possible (think of a Riverdance technique here with arms overhead). 

(Lets face it, they are the rodent version of huntsman spider, aren't they?) 
and Mooch, finally seeing the rat, pounced like the legend hunter he usually is.

There was growling. There was blood. Then there was crunching...

and to the tune of all of our "Ewww! Mooch!" we left him to his well deployed, no-longer-failing, feline devices.

"Screamed"? Pffft

Mooch - Cat Grenade 

November 7, 2016

i am

i am the incomprehensible silence
and the memory that will not be forgotten
i am the voice whose sound is everywhere
and the speech that appears in many forms.

i am the utterance of my own name.

i am the hearing in everyone's ears
i am the speech that cannot be heard
i am the mute who is speechless
great are the multitudes of my words.

hear me in softness
and learn me in roughness.

i am she who cries out
and i am cast forth upon the face of the earth
i prepare the breath and my mind within.

i am known Truth.

i am the one whom you have reflected upon
and the one you have scorned
i am unlearned but from me all people learn
i am the one from whom you have hidden
and the one to whom you reveal yourself
yet wherever you hide i appear
and wherever you wish to reveal yourself
there i will vanish.

for i am the first and the last
i am the honored one and the scorned
i am the whore and the holy one
i am the bride and the bridegroom
and my husband is my father
i am the mother of my father
the sister of my husband
my husband is my child
my offspring are my own birth
the source of my power
what happens is set sacred

give heed give heed give heed
then you, hearers
and you also, angels
and those who have been sent as new spirits
risen now from the dead.

i am the one who alone exists.

there is no one to judge me

for though there is much sweetness in passionate life,
in transient pleasure,

finally, finally sanity comes
and people flee to their place of rest
there they will find me
to live and never to die again

Words from The Thunder.

Perfect Mind, Nag Hammadi

May 30, 2016

The question is posed: "Is this an "age of empathy?""

With this popular marketing catch cry "age of empathy" being bandied across the globe, the question was posed to Melissa,"Are we in "the age of empathy"? 
Do you feel we have we reached such connective depth?
 Melissa offers her perspective on this topic in this 3 minute excerpt from interview. 

May 29, 2016

From an Ocean of Drafts...Reborn

Actually, I do write as Benedict Smith scribes it. 
I simply don't share it all publicly. 
However, now, from an ocean of drafts, this personal writing blog is reborn.

For You

Pondering of truth and perception...

Quietly pondering, slowly sipping the divine double espresso in hand...
So many claiming to be on or guide us upon a "journey to the truth".
I ponder...
Are we not truth at our core?
Perhaps we have just in fact wandered, a ventured meander from the truth.
Can there can be such journey without truth anchoring the journey itself?
Could the misconstrued correlation of perspective as truth perhaps be the greatest disease of humankind?
And this is just early Monday morning's pondering. What shall the week unfold?!

Melissa ;)