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October 24, 2010

Treacherous Tides

Bewildered angst holds steady in the tides of an ocean dawning hatred.
Time’s thought toward it, denied. And yet,
Rise and pitch
Against restraining perimeters drawn in upon her.
Perimeter misfits her very being,
Emotion the foreign downtrod that confounds.
Reverberating threat “There is no release!”
The boundary will not retreat.

How then, oh life,
How does the bombardment engage the constricts?

Foul loathing rises within the collar of lies constricting truth’s escape in a slow suffocation of silence.

A silence that promised truth would hold.
A silence that promised justice in pardon for the mistake made.
A silence that promised to quietly, softly render them powerless.

She heaves within at the horror of bad decision,
Time wasted stains the present tears,
Regret a weeping ink upon her soul, staining evidence of a connection still bound.
The metallic sting of Blood strikes the nostrils as the daggers pierce,
Shredded flesh cascades a shawl down her back,
Shrouding the betrayal of silence.

Too many voices for silence to fall.

The orchestral machinations of a closing,
Sweet metallic nonchalance of latch sealing…
All is in darkness and all is misleading.

How then, oh life,
Put light within the dark?
Put light upon this treacherous ocean!
Amid the course and terror, shards will stream,
Light will mirror and shatter such hatred.
Into the depths within the layers the greatness of ocean depths will claim and diminish,
Wave upon wave closing in, closing down.
The tides will ebb.
The tides are rest.
Melissa Hocking 2010

October 23, 2010

We are created of layer after layer of subtle light (information)
& that light communicates with all other layers of your "reality" -
inwardly, outwardly, multidimensionally, infinitely.
All comes from you first.
You are the conductor orchestrating this creation.
MH 2010

October 17, 2010

A Limited Reality on a Spherical Luminosity

We accept a linear time frame.

As such we are restricted in how much information we can obtain and assimilate in a lifetime. Yet from this limited and restricted source we construct a “reality” and despite it being merely a confined perspective, we convince ourselves under the guise of “belief” that it is “truth” and it is “right”.

All the beauty, all the atrocity, all of our race’s history is built upon this limited equation.

We are infinite.
Our possibilities are genuinely without restraint.

Evidence is mounting as change takes speed and vibration lifts under the reality we call “quantum effect”. Remembering that this too is only a limited perspective.
Well beyond the “equation” each individual remains unique: never being present in this form before and, as evolution must have it, never again repeating this presence. This in itself appears evident of our infinite capacity.

We think time is linear but it is spherical, boundless.

Luminous, ever shifting, ever growing, this is every single individual’s truth.

In the present equation we cannot truly know any other’s reality for we are too preoccupied with “knowing’ our own. But we can choose to accept their infinite luminosity.
Such a choice, owned by each, enables humanity’s history to remain “history”, and the unending possibilities of a new humanity’s consciousness to take life

Melissa Hocking 2010

October 14, 2010

The Hunted Connection IV

Enticed by mystery I was given to grace.
He guides me as lover, souls entraining in synchronistic rhythms, a play into the spirit entwined.

And I go.
Willingly, hungrily I go.


I gaze in awe. He paves the mystery.

MH 2010